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Publication guidelines

Insurance Monitor has a wide spread target audience. As such, publications are categorized as awareness building for audiences new to insurance topics, insightful reading for experienced personnel and initiating dialogue with sector experts. We have a panel of insurance experts, however we occasionally invite industry veterans and welcome articles written by insurance professionals that discuss specific trends, problems and issues affecting this sector. Your article must follow the guidelines below to be accepted for publication.

  • Articles that discuss topics recently covered will be rejected unless the author is able to reasonably demonstrate, that his inference has a new dimension to the topic of discussion.
  • Articles that are promotional material in the guise of an article will be rejected. We do not publish articles that promote the author's company, products or services, except as a Sponsored Editorial.
  • Articles will be assessed from the perspective of the audience of Insurance Monitor in terms of reader interest and information.
  • Only articles written exclusively for Insurance Monitor will be published. Material that has appeared in another publication or is under consideration by other publications will not be considered. Once published by Insurance Monitor, the author is permitted to circulate the Insurance Monitor publication link. Other publication bodies wishing to use the articles from Insurance Monitor must obtain our permission to do so.
  • We rely on the author's integrity in submitting original work. Any material derived from other sources should be clearly sourced and identified within the text.
  • Prior to publication, authors must sign a statement verifying originality and acknowledging our copyright. Click here to view the copyright agreement. When an article is accepted for publication, we will send the author a personalized version of the agreement, including the author's name and the title of the article, to be signed and returned to us.
  • We evaluate submissions for their news value, timeliness, credibility and readability. The article should be based on the knowledge and experience of the author but should use examples, sources and any other reporting that will make the point in a professional and credible manner. Supporting data may be appropriate (we publish graphics and tables), and sources must be properly identified.
  • Authors should explain technical terms clearly and simply.
  • Authors are strongly encouraged to discuss article ideas with an editor and submit an outline or summary before investing time in writing. Articles will not be accepted until they are received and evaluated by the editors. Every effort will be made to publish an accepted article; however, Insurance Monitor reserves the right not to publish an accepted article if the material becomes dated or due to lack of space or other concern.
  • Our staff edits all articles. Editors will contact authors when questions arise during the editing process. Authors will be given the opportunity to review the edited version before it is published.
  • Ideally, articles should be between 1,000 and 1,500 words. As a general rule, tell the story as efficiently as possible.
  • Authors should avoid footnotes, endnotes or bibliographies and must cite sources (full name, location and, if necessary, a brief description of person or company) within the text. Legal citations should be limited.

For information on topics that will be published by Insurance Monitor, kindly request for our editorial calendar. Articles are not limited to these topics, however, and other ideas are welcome.

On successfully publishing at least three insightful articles for Insurance Monitor, the editor may offer the author of the articles to make regular submissions on a paid basis and will be invited to join the editorial panel. This decision is based on the quality of the writing, the timeliness of the topics selected and whether the author produces the articles by the agreed-upon deadline.

Steps for submitting articles

  • Articles should be sent by e-mail as a Microsoft Word attachment to
  • Include your full name and be sure to include your current business affiliation, showing the name, location and type of business. We do not publish phone numbers or contact addresses, but authors must provide this information to Insurance Monitor.
  • Completed articles must be submitted at least one month prior to the scheduled publication date.
  • Authors are entitled to a PDF version of the article. They may post the article on their personal Web site or the Web site of their business.

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